Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 207
The operator user is allowed further transfer capabilities with an option to transfer to
a voicemail box. The operator can transfer a call between themselves and another
party to the voicemail of any extension on which voicemail is enabled. To transfer to
the voicemail of an extension, simply select the target extension (the voicemail box of
which is going to receive the call) while a call is active and then click the “Transfer to
mailbox” function button.
6.18.10 Listening to calls
Operator users are able to listen in on calls in which they are not involved. Listen
The listen feature allows the operator to listen in on a call in which they are not
involved. To listen to call, select the local extension involved in the call (notice again,
the blue outline) and then click the “Listen” feature button.
Figure 127: Select the active call, then click "Listen"
After clicking “Listen” the operators extension will ring, and on answer will play the
audio of the selected call. The operator extension is muted and neither party of the
call is informed of the operator listening. Listen and Whisper
The listen and whisper feature allows the operator to listen in on a call in which they
are not involved. Further,any audio from generated on the operator handset is
audible only to the internal extension, and not to the external party. To listen and
whisper, select the local extension involved in the call (notice again, the blue outline)
and then click the “Listen and Whisper” feature button.
Figure 128: The Listen and whisper feature allows the operator to listen in on other
calls, and talk to the local user on the call.
6.19 Nagios
The Nagios application provides an expandable and highly customisable platform for
monitoring of system services and network health. Com.X units are shipped with a
Nagios Core suite preconfigured to monitor the state of selected services and
interfaces on the system.
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Far South Networks