Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 71
matching the configured MAC address.
IP Address
An IP address unique to the device on the network. Auto-
assigned if Auto IP Client is enabled.
Network Mask
The network mask the device should be configured with. Auto-
assigned if Auto IP is enabled.
The routing gateway the device should use. Auto-assigned if Auto
IP is enabled.
Attached network The network interface to which the device is attached.
Note: the interface selected here must be configured as
providing Comma services, or the addition of the device will fail
with the message 'Device not supported on this interface'. The
Comma device manager only listens on and provides
configuration to devices on boot-up on interfaces configured for
Comma services.
Timing Mode
The timing source for the device. Options are:
Local: Recover timing from the local Com.X clock (i.e. this
device is a clock master)
System: Recover timing from another clock master (i.e. this
device is a clock slave) This is equivalent to the iTA
“Network” clocking mode.
Bri/Pri Priority 1: Configure this device to recover clock from
the first active ISDN interface (PRI or BRI)
Bri/Pri Priority 2: Configure this device to recover clock from
the second active ISDN interface (PRI or BRI)
Note: On Com.X5 systems, the primary clock source is
always the system, unless an iTA is configured as clock
master (Line 1 or Line 2) on a PRI or BRI port. When using
an X5 , it is an invalid configuration to configure any iTA as
Table 4: Comma device configuration
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Far South Networks