Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 102
When checked, the follow-me configuration is ignored and the
extension rings as usual.
Note: when follow-me is disabled here, directed pick-up of the
extension is no longer available.
Initial Ring Time
The number of seconds to ring the extension before processing
the follow-me list. If set to 0, the follow-me list is processed
immediately (e.g. divert). The extension may be in its own
follow-me list, in which case it will also ring.
Ring strategy
Determines the strategy in which extensions in the follow-me list
rings. One of:
Ring all (v2): Ring the primary extension for the initial ring time,
then rings all the extensions in the follow-me list simultaneously
until one answers
Note: In certain configurations “Ring all (v2)” results in an
extension ringing only once. If this is problematic, change the
ring strategy to “Ring all”
Ring all: Rings all the extensions in the follow-me list
simultaneously until one answers
Hunt: Rings available extensions, one at a time, in turn.
Memory Hunt: Rings the first extension in the follow-me list,
then the first and the second, then the first, second and third,
First available: Rings only the first available extension (if that
extension is engaged, but has call waiting, it will ring call
waiting) I.e. 'available' includes the concept of call waiting.
First not on phone: Rings the first available extension for which
the phone is not off-hook (i.e. ignores call waiting settings)
(strategy)-prim: This setting behaves as the selected strategy
described above, however, if the primary extension is engaged
or set to do not disturb, the extensions in the follow-me list are
not processed.
Ring time
The maximum time to ring phones. If the selected strategy is a
hunting strategy, this is the duration of each ring iteration.
The maximum value for this field is 60 seconds.
Follow-me list
The list of extensions to process according to the ring strategy.
This list may include the primary extension itself and may also
include external numbers, suffixed with a #, in which case the
number would be called using the applicable outbound route.
E.g. including 0115551234# in the follow-me list would call the
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Far South Networks