Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 75
Note: If a Managed SIP Phone is receiving DHCP from a remote server(i.e. Not
from the Com.X), that dhcp server should be configured to set option 66 to contain
the location /etc/commagui/autoprovision on the Com.X server.
Device Name
Choose a suitable name for the device.
Model Type
Use the drop down list to select the appropriate model
Auto IP
On first boot, request an IP address from the Com.X
Manager. Once an IP has been allocated, the Auto IP
field becomes disabled and the IP is statically reserved
for the device by the Comma Manager, always issuing
the same IP to the device matching the configured MAC
Mac Address
The Mac address of the device being added. This field is used
to identify the device when it is physically connected to the
IP Address
An IP address unique to the device on the network. Auto-
assigned if Auto IP Client is enabled.
Network Mask
The network mask the device should be configured with.
Auto-assigned if Auto IP is enabled.
Attached Network
The network interface through which the device will connect
to the Com.X.
Configuration Path
The location on the com.x at which the configuration is stored.
This read only variable can be copied from the GUI if it is
required elsewhere.
If a .rom firmware file has been added to the Com.X via the
file manager, selecting the .rom will install the selected
firmware on the handset. Adding an Auto-detected Managed Sip phone
If a compatible phone is receiving an IP from a DHCP server on one of the ethernet
ports on the Com.X, it should identify themselves as Managed Sip phones. To scan
for a list of devices obtaining IP addresses from the Com.X, select scan and enable
the auto detect option.
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Far South Networks