Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 169
Ring group
The number a caller will dial to ring extensions in this ring
Group description
A descriptive title for this ring group.
Ring strategy
The strategy with which to ring extensions in this ring group.
Options include:
Ringall: rings all available extensions in the ring group
Hunt: Takes turns ringing each available extension in the ring
Memoryhunt: Rings the first extension in the list. Then rings the
first and the seond extension in the list. Then the first, second
and third extension in the list. And so on...
Firstavailable: Rings only the first available extension in the list.
Firstnotonphone: Rings only the first channel not off hook,
ignoring call waiting features.
*Prim: The patterns with this suffix work as above, except if the
first extension in the list is occupied, then the other extensions
will not be rung. If the first extension has Do Not Disturb (DND)
enabled, it will not be rung. If the first extension has
unconditional call forwarding enabled, then all of the extensions
in the list will ring.
Ring time
The time, in seconds, for which each extension in the list will
Extension list
The list of extensions to be included in this ring group. External
numbers may be included if suffixed by a #.
If an internal extension is suffixed by a #, then the follow-me of
that extension will be used for the call.
Extension quick
An ease-of-use drop-down list of extensions to allow quick
addition of extensions to the list of static agents in the queue.
An optional message to be played to the caller before
attempting to ring the extension in the list.
Play music on
If a music category is selected, then the caller will hear that
music while the calls is attempted rather than the traditional
CID name prefix
An optional feature to prefix the CID of all callers calling this
group. This allows agents to differentiate between calls to the
ring group and calls to their extension directly.
Alert info
If configured, additional SIP INFO messages carry the string
configured here to the agent phones, facilitating distinctive ring
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Far South Networks