Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 118
3.10.3 Configuring outbound routes
A unique name for the route.
If set, after a user has dialed a number that matches the dial
pattern of this route, the user will be prompted to enter the pin
code in order for the call to proceed.
Pin sets
If more than one pin should allow access to this route, leave the
Route password field empty and specify a pin set here. The pin
set needs to exist before referring to it here. Please see section
4.14 for details on configuring pin sets.
Time Limit
Optional hard timeout setting. If set, calls placed through this
outbound route will be terminated after the configured number
of settings. Leave blank for no time limit.
When enabled, emergency dialing indicates that the emergency
CID set on a device or port should override all other CID
settings and be sent with the call information.
When enabled, the CID sent with the call information is the
internal, local CID, and not the outbound CID of the extension
or trunk.
Table 19: Outbound route configuration
Note: If changes are applied while an outbound route has no associated trunk, the
dial patterns for that route will be lost after the apply.
3.10.4 Dial Patterns Adding dial patterns to an outbound route
The Dial Patterns for outbound routes are analyzed, and the highest priority route for
which a pattern match is made is tasked with routing the call. New dial patterns can
be added to a route by selecting New from the context menu of the Dial Patterns
section of the route. The route has to be edited first before this option becomes
available. If no existing patterns are included in the route, the context menu can be
accessed by right-clicking the Dial Pattern header. Dial pattern syntax
Dial patterns consist of the following characters only:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Z N | . ! [ ] , - +
X matches any digit from 0 – 9
Z matches any digit from 1 – 9
N matches any digit from 2 – 9
| separates a dialing prefix from numbers dialed, e.g. 123|4567 would match the
dialed number 1234567, but would only send 4567 on to the trunks.
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Far South Networks