Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 154
24-hour format
Configures whether 12-hour AM/PM or 24-hour format
should be employed by the Com.X PBX
Allow Anonymous Inbound
SIP Calls?
Enabling this setting disables authentication checks on
incoming SIP requests. I.e. anyone can place a SIP
call to this PBX.
Check for updates
Allow the system to automatically check the internet
for FreePBX and Asterisk version updates. Updates of
the FreePBX and Asterisk modules are managed by
Far South Networks for the Comma and Com.X
product ranges. This field should be left blank.
Update email
An email address to send notifications of available
updates to. Updates of the FreePBX and Asterisk
modules are managed by Far South Networks for the
Comma and Com.X product ranges. This field should
be left blank.
Table 31: General PBX configuration settings
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Far South Networks