Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 21
2.1.6 Configuration status
The current configuration status, indicating pending tasks and status alerts, can be
viewed from the configuration menu:
When the status on the Status tab is SYNCHRONIZED, the configuration is up to
date and synchronized with the underlying system configuration resources. If the
status is PENDING or MODIFIED, the Review/Apply button will be emphasized and
the administrator needs to review and apply the configuration using the Review/Apply
button in order to synchronize.
At the top right of the GUI a status icon indicates the over-all system status. If this
indicator is a green check
, the system is synchronized and all services are
running. If the status indicator is an orange/yellow warning symbol
, the
configuration requires audit and apply, or, the system is in error and requires
attention. Clicking the status indicator navigates to the Configuration status panel on
the GUI. The unknown indicator shows that system status is not available
(possibly still being acquired after restart or GUI login.)
See section 5.1 for further details on the GUI status page.
2.1.7 Applying and reverting a configuration
Select the Review/Apply button. A list of tasks to be applied will appear. Review the
task list and select Apply to proceed.
To revert changes and return to the configuration last applied, select the Revert
To apply changes without disrupting service to users, select “Apply when no calls”.
The system will monitor the number of active calls, and if all calls clear, will initiate
apply. The system will remain pending Apply until all calls have terminated.
To continue configuring the system without applying, select Cancel.
During apply, individual task progress and success or failure is indicated. Once the
process has completed, a confirmation is displayed.
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Far South Networks
Figure 3: GUI layout and configuration status