- 17 -
6.2.2 Overload protection (three
6.2.2 Overload protection (three
6.2.2 Overload protection (three
6.2.2 Overload protection (three----phase motors)
phase motors)
phase motors)
phase motors)
You must provide the overload protection (thermal relay or motor protector)
Adjust the thermal relay or motor protector to the nominal current value of the electric pump or to the operating current in case the motor is not used at full
load. If the motor has a star-delta starting system, adjust the thermal relay to a value equal to 58% of the nominal current or operating current.
6.2.3 Protection Against Dry Running
6.2.3 Protection Against Dry Running
6.2.3 Protection Against Dry Running
6.2.3 Protection Against Dry Running
Avoid the possibility of dry running, i.e. the pump must not run without water inside it. Make sure that the electric panel is equipped with a dry running
protection system to which you must connect a pressure switch or float switch or sensors or other suitable device.
If the pump sucks the water from a water system, you can install a pressure switch on the suction side to switch off the pump in the event of low water system
pressure (always refer to the regulations locally in force). If the pump sucks the water from a storage tank or reservoir, you can install a float switch or sensors
to switch off the pump in the event of low water level.
6.3 Priming
6.3 Priming
6.3 Priming
6.3 Priming
Fill the pump and suction pipes with water before starting the unit. Dry running can damage the pump.
Pay attention to the instructions contained in this chapter and to the diagrams in sections 11.15, 11.16 and 11.17.
6.3.1 Suction From a Higher Level or From the Water System (Positive Suction Head)
6.3.1 Suction From a Higher Level or From the Water System (Positive Suction Head)
6.3.1 Suction From a Higher Level or From the Water System (Positive Suction Head)
6.3.1 Suction From a Higher Level or From the Water System (Positive Suction Head)
Shut the on-off valve located downstream from the pump. Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX 1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5 Series
Loosen the drain plug pin to end of travel without forcing it. Remove the fill plug/air valve and open the on-off valve upstream until the water flows out of the
fill plug/air valve. Tighten the drain plug pin to the end of travel without forcing it. Replace the fill plug/air valve. Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX 10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20 Series
Remove the fill plug/air valve and open the on-off valve upstream until the water flows out of the fill plug/air valve. Close the fill plug/air valve. You can use the
fill plug with air screw or the one without air screw.
6.3.2 Suction From a Lower Level (Suction Lift)
6.3.2 Suction From a Lower Level (Suction Lift)
6.3.2 Suction From a Lower Level (Suction Lift)
6.3.2 Suction From a Lower Level (Suction Lift)
Open the on-off valve located upstream from the pump and close the on-off valve downstream. Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX 1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 3, 5 Series
Loosen the drain plug pin to end of travel without forcing it. Remove the fill plug/air valve and fill the pump. Replace the fill plug/air valve and tighten the drain
plug pin to the end of travel without forcing it. Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX
Multi VX 10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20
10, 15, 20 Series
Remove the fill plug/air valve and fill the pump. Replace the fill plug/air valve.
6.4 Checking the Rotation Direction of Three
6.4 Checking the Rotation Direction of Three
6.4 Checking the Rotation Direction of Three
6.4 Checking the Rotation Direction of Three----Phase Motors
Phase Motors
Phase Motors
Phase Motors
When the pump has been electrically connected (
section 6.2) and primed (
section 6.3), make sure the on-off valve downstream from the pump is closed.
Start the pump and check the direction of rotation through the coupling protection or through the motor fan cover (for the three-phase versions). Arrows on the
adaptor, coupling and/or motor fan cover, indicate the correct rotation direction. If the rotation direction is incorrect, stop the pump, disconnect the power
supply and exchange the position of two wires in the motor’s terminal board or in the electric control panel.
6.5 Operation
6.5 Operation
6.5 Operation
6.5 Operation
Start the pump, keeping the on-off valve downstream from the pump closed. Open the on-off valve gradually. The pump must run smoothly and noiselessly.
If necessary, re-prime the pump. Check the current absorbed by the motor and, if necessary, adjusts the setting of the thermal relay. Any air pockets trapped
inside the pump may be released by loosening the fill plug or by turning the air screw.
If a pump installed in a location where freezing may occur remains inactive, you must drain it through the drain plugs. This operation is not necessary if a
suitable antifreeze has been added to the water.
Make sure that the drained liquid does not cause damage or injuries.
7. Maintenance, Service, Spare Parts
7. Maintenance, Service, Spare Parts
7. Maintenance, Service, Spare Parts
7. Maintenance, Service, Spare Parts
Information for
Information for
Information for
Information for maintenance personnel
maintenance personnel
maintenance personnel
maintenance personnel
Before performing any maintenance operations on the electric pump, make sure that the motor is voltage-free.
Maintenance operations must be performed by skilled and qualified personnel only. Use suitable equipment and protection devices. Observe the
accident prevention regulations in force. If you need to drain the pump, make sure that the drained liquid does not cause damage or injuries.
The pump is supplied with a calibrated fork-shaped shim designed to facilitate the motor coupling and replacement operations.
7.1 Routine Maintenance
7.1 Routine Maintenance
7.1 Routine Maintenance
7.1 Routine Maintenance
The pump does not require any scheduled routine maintenance. In general, we recommend that you check the following aspects, or some of them, at varying
intervals depending on the operating conditions: pumped liquid leaks, delivery pressure, starts per hour, noise, triggering of the electrical protections (relays,
If the user wishes to draw up a maintenance schedule, he/she must keep in mind that the deadlines depend on the type of liquid pumps and the operating
7.2 Extraordinary Maintenance
7.2 Extraordinary Maintenance
7.2 Extraordinary Maintenance
7.2 Extraordinary Maintenance
Extraordinary maintenance may be necessary in order to clean the liquid end or replace the mechanical seal and other worn parts.