Kongsberg XP
12.6.4. Crease Adapter
Using a Crease Adapter allows for smaller crease
wheels or crease blades used on HDU.
Adapters are available for ø15mm, ø26 mm and
ø60mm crease wheels. There is also a separate
adapter for crease blades.
Mount crease adapters in HDU by using two Latch
pins with accompanying cotter pins.
12.6.5. Perforation Wheel ø60 mm
Perforation Wheel
to prepare
Perforation Cut
or to assist creasing at high speed.
Perforation wheels
with different pit to land
ratios are suitable for multiple purposes in
different materials.
Before August 2019, Esko’s portfolio of
Perforation wheels
had four different sizes: 3:3
mm, 5:5 mm, 7:5 mm and 10:10 mm
From August 2019, the portfolio was extended.