Kongsberg XP
5.7.6. Milling warning lamp
The milling warning lamp indicates that the
is rotating.
Constantly lit indicates running.
Flashing indicates starting or stopping.
Before touching the
milling bit
, always ensure also
visual inspection
that the bit has come to a
complete standstill.
5.8. Protective equipment
For the operators, Esko recommends the following protective equipment:
Close-fitting clothes to avoid being caught by the beam or the
tool head
can cause injuries.
Gloves to protect against cuts from materials with sharp edges.
Eye protection must be used by any personnel working with milling.
Always use hearing protection when working with the machine for a longer
period of time.
The acoustic noise level will vary with the type of operation and tooling, but a
typical average level is 78.5 – 83.5 dBA and a maximum level of 98.5 dBA.