Red, green, and blue. These colors, in phosphors irradiated by a cathode ray tube
(CRT) monitor's electron gun, are used to create the additive array of screen
serial interface
The first step in printing, in which the printer software converts the print data
into codes that your printer understands. This data is then sent directly to the
printer or to the print server.
spool manager
The software that converts print data into codes that your printer understands.
See also
The color management method used to maintain color consistency between
devices which adhere to the sRGB standard.
Status Monitor
The software that allows you to check the printer’s status.
subtractive colors
Colors produced by pigments that absorb some colors of light and reflect others.
See also
USB interface
Universal Serial Bus interface. Enables the user to connect up to 127 peripheral
devices (such as keyboards, mice, and printers) to the computer through a single,
general-purpose port. The use of USB hubs allows you to add additional ports.
See also
Software that allows you to monitor and maintain your printer. Together, utilities
and the printer driver are referred to as "printer software". See also
What-you-see-is-what-you-get. This term is used to describe printout that looks
exactly like it appears on screen.