RSTi-OM User Manual
Section 3
Jun 2021
If necessary, open the IO-Link Master web interface with your web browser using the default or configured
IP address.
Click Configuration | IO-Link Settings.
Click the EDIT button for the port or ports that you want to configure.
Note: You can click each EDIT button and open all ports to quickly configure port parameters.
Make appropriate selections for the device that you connected to that port.
Make sure you select the DigitalIn option for a digital input device and the DigitalOut option for a digital
output device for the Port Mode.
The IOLM negotiates the Minimum Cycle Time so it is not necessary to set a cycle time unless you need a
specific cycle time.
Setting a higher cycle time will impact the performance of the webserver, as it would take a longer
time to read the parameters from the IO link device and update on the webpage.
You can use the help system if you require definitions or values for the options or refer to the following
Note: Do not configure Data Storage until the IO-Link device is configured.
Note: Do not enable Automatic Download and then attempt device configuration as Automatic Download
changes the settings back to what is stored on the IOLM. Data Storage, Device Validation, and Data
Validation are discussed in Section 8:
Click the SAVE button for each port.
Return to the IO-Link Diagnostics page to verify that your changes have taken effect.