RSTi-OM User Manual
Section 12
Jun 2021
MQTT Interface
Process Data Publish Interval
The PD Interval Min/Max configuration values control how often a PDI/PDO message is published. With the
default configuration (min=1000ms max=0s), a value will be published when it has changed and at least 1
second has elapsed since the previous message was published. With max=0, a value will never be published
unless it changes (except for once on startup).
If Interval Max is configured to a non-zero value, then the PD messages will always be published after the
configured interval even when the data is unchanged.
For example, with a configuration of min=5000ms max=60s, a changing value will only be published once
every 5 seconds regardless of how often it changes, and a non-changing value will be published once every 60
seconds even when it has not changed.
Topics and Payloads
All published payloads are JSON objects. The initial set of published paths and data are listed below.
A summary of information about the IO-Link Master is published once each time the MQTT client starts.
Example payload:
"hostname" : "grant-ice2",
"manufacturer" : "Pepperl-Fuchs Comtrol, Inc.",
"model" : "ICE2-8IOL-K45P-DIN",
"serial" : "9710-000064",
"version" : "EtherNet/IP",
"numdioports" : 0,
"numiolinkports" : 8
A periodic message containing IO-Link Master status is published under the clientstatus topic at a user-
configured interval. The publishing period is user-configurable and can be disabled completely. An example
payload is shown below.
"uptime": 3464,
"ports": [
"port": 1,
"mode": "SIOInput", "status":
"Operational", "state":
"None", "pd_retries": 0,
"pd_errors": 0,
"pdi_valid": true,
"pdo_valid": false