RSTi-OM User Manual
Section 3
Jun 2021
Auxiliary Input Parameters (for port 1 to port 8)
The following parameters can be configured for port 1 to port 8 under the Auxiliary Input tab for each
Figure 35: Auxiliary Input Parameters
Port N Auxiliary Input Parameters
Enable (Default: False)
If enabled, the auxiliary input of Port n will be used.
True (Enabled
Enable auxiliary input)
False (Disable
Do not use auxiliary input)
Invert Input (Default: False)
If enabled, this inverts the auxiliary input of port n.
False (Disabled - Do not auxiliary input)
True (Enabled
Invert auxiliary input)
Input Settling Time (ms)
(Default: 0)
The auxiliary input settling time that remains constant before that
input is considered/accepted
Input Hold Time (ms)
(Default: 0)
This is how long the IO-Link Master keeps the input at its present
value. For example, if the IO-Link Master detects the input to go too
high, and the hold time is X milliseconds, then the IO-Link Master
reports the input as high for X milliseconds, even though the input
itself may have gone away already. If X is zero, then you get the
behavior currently in the field.
Configuring IO-Link Ports with the Web Interface
IO-Link port settings (for example, port mode, minimum cycle time, data storage, validation, and
device validation) should be configured through the controller by adding correct modules and setting
parameters via the PAC Machine Edition HW configuration. Optionally, the same settings
can be changed through the web interface.
Note: Any changes made through the web interface are overwritten when an application relation is
established between a gateway and an IO controller.
This page provides special features such as Data Storage, Device Validation, and Data Validation.
Note: Do not configure Data Storage until the IO-Link device is configured. Data Storage, Device
Validation, and Data Validation are discussed in Section 8:
You can use this procedure to configure IO-Link settings for each IO-Link port.
If an IO-Link device is attached to the port, no configuration is required for operation. If a digital input
or output device is attached, it is necessary to change the Port Mode.