Edit the Liebert IntelliSlot Unity Card Configuration
5.8.2 Edit the SNMPv3 Table
The table on the SNMPv3 User Settings [20] page may be altered to provide more or less information.
To do so, click on the command above the table (Click here to edit columns displayed in this table).
Put a check mark (
) in the boxes beside the desired information (see
Figure 23
). The choices permit
showing the same information in this screen that is displayed by clicking on a SNMPv3 User Settings
folder or a SNMPv3 User Settings link.
Figure 23 Edit the SNMPv3 table
Click on this link to change the
information shown in the table
Checking all choices will display
the information below on the
SNMPv3 User Settings [20] page
The information in the table for
one user may be viewed by
clicking on a SNMPv3 User
Settings folder or a SNMPv3 User
Settings link, as shown at right.