2009 by ELTRA GmbH Germany – July 2009 – Service Manual Thermostep
Page 16
Lower the crucible onto the pedestal and check if the crucible is sited to far or not far
enough to decide at which direction the carousseladaptor has to be adjusted.
Do a complete rotation of the caroussel and check by sight at which crucible positions
the screws for fixation of the carousseladaptor a located (LHS). For easier deter-
mination of the positions you can interrupt the rotation by clicking
as soon as
the screws become visible and read the crucible position at the screen.
Unfasten the screws via 2,5 mm allen key. (The carousseladaptor is fixed with 4
screws, two pairs shifted at 90°).
Repeat l.) with the second pair of screws.
The carousseladaptor should be now moveable independently from the motorrotation.
Move the caroussel slowly at the needed direction.
Fasten the screws again.
Check the crucibleposition again like described under c.)- d.) and correct via
calibrationvalue when necessary.
1.14 Control of cushioning
The cushioning function is necessary to open the cover of the analyser completely. To reduce
the cooling down phase after analysis, the furnace is opened at a temperature of 650° C 15 cm
wide, before the cover is opened completely at 500° C. At a temperature of 300° C the
internal blower is started to speed up the cooling. After reaching room temperature the
cooling will be continue for the chosen cooling time (see Operation manual: Form –
Cooling time
) to make sure, that all parts of the furnace are cooled down
To interrupt the opening of the cover at a certain point and to keep it there, the cushioning
fuction is switched off after passing the backward sensor to avoid the complete opening of the
To check this function close the cover (see Operation manual: Form –
Activate function
Cover open up
at Form
and click several times at
until cover is opened a gap wide.
Notice if cover stays at the reached position. (A movement of the cover from this
position possibly occurs very slowly and not promptly.)
If cover does not stay at the half opened position close choke at the backside of the 2.
valve at the valveblock (LHS) completely.
Check function again.
1.15 Opening and closing of cover, sensor adjustment
Required tools:
2,5 mm Allen key
Opening and closing of the cover proceeds from many processes automatically. A manual
controlling of this function is possible at Form –
. The movement of the cover is
accompanied by an accustic signal and should happen at a moderate speed. The movement is
done by a cylinder that is located at the LHS of the analyser.
(An exeption are instruments that don’t have the opportunity to assemble the exhaust air tube
alternatively at the side. These instruments have two cylinders to open the cover each at every
side. The cylinder at the RHS has two sensors, that control the status of the lid, whereas at the
cylinder at the LHS two chokes control the speed of the movement.)