2009 by ELTRA GmbH Germany – July 2009 – Service Manual Thermostep
Page 19
From the interior of the instrument the tube is passed through the specified notch at the left
lower side panel (Fig. 1.14).
Fig. 1.14: LHS – Lower side panel with notch for exhausting aur tube
The not used connecting piece is closed with the provided cover cap. The exhaust air tube will
be put on the connecting piece and fixed with the clamp provided. Lead the exhausted air into
an adequate exhaust vent installation.
Plug the dimmer at the socket at the backside of the analyser (see Fig. 1.13). The external
blower starts automatically when it is connected to the dimmer and the Thermostep is
switched on.
Via dimmer you have the opportunity to adapt the power of the external blower. Optimal
setting is approximately half dimmer power. If the chosen power is to low analyser is not
cooled enough during analysis and bad odours emerge. At this case adjust power more.
Too high dimmer power reduces the Oxygen- or Nitrogen purge inside the furnace and results
of analysis varies. Adjust the power lower at this case.