2009 by ELTRA GmbH Germany – July 2009 – Service Manual Thermostep
Page 30
Error message:
“No communications! Please check cable, port settings and instrument.”
Check if communication between PC and Thermostep and/or balance is disturbed (indicated
by a red spot in front of the respective part at Form –
see Operation Manual), firstly.
This can be caused by:
a switched off Thermostep (position 0) or a switched off balance
interchanged or detached cable connections between PC and instrument
incorrect portsettings at TGA software or PC
a defective cable
At a.) Check if instrument is switched at least at position 1 and if it is connected to the electric
power supply.
Check at the balance display, if the balance is switched on (see Fig. 2.4). Remove the screw at
the left upper edge of the board and hinge it down to get free access to the balance display. If
there is nothing visible at the display, switch the balance on by pressing ON. If it is not
possible to switch the balance on by this, check if the power supply cable of the balance is
inserted properly (see Fig. 2.3).
At b.) Check if the cables of the balance and the board are inserted properly at the right
positions at the PC!
Balance cable (Fig. 2.3): serial port COM2
Board cable (Fig. 2.5): serial port COM1
Fasten the cables at their plugs to avoid loosing them inccidently.
At c.) Check if the port settings at the PC and the TGA software are correct!
To check and adjust the allocation of the serial ports at PC read operation manual of the PC.
To check and adjust the allocation of the serial ports at TGA software read operation manual
of Thermostep Form –
Login Account Management
At d.) If it is not possible to solve the problem with a.)-c.) check the corresponding cable and
replace it if necessary.
2.10 Cover opens at 650°C completely
To shorten up the cooling down phase after the analysis is finished, the cover opens a gap
width at 600°C and stays at this position.
A complete opening of the cover at 650°C kann be caused by:
to minor adjustment of the corresponding valve
a defective valve