2009 by ELTRA GmbH Germany – July 2009 – Service Manual Thermostep
Page 28
At d.) If it is not possible to solve the problem by a.) - c.) the cylinder of the corresponding
caroussel can be defect and has to be replaced (see
At e.) In rare cases the pressure switch of the compressed air can be defective and has to be
replaced (see
Error message:
If there is an inexactness of sampleweight during analysis (e.g. by a temporarly unstability of
the balance or an above-average high loss of weight) the according crucible is marked as
“Junk” and listed separately at Form –
. Software tries to determine the weight of the
sample twice, before marking it as “Junk”.
Marking a sample as “Junk” should show that there was some unsteadiness but doesn’t mean
that the resulting data are not useable. The mark should show that there was at least one
weighing during analysis at which it was not possible to keep the weight properly
respespectivly the loss of weight from one weighing to the next was lot higher than expected.
The crucible is analysed despite this marking and the recieved data were shown, so that the
operator can use it under reserve.
In rare cases all 20 crucibles are marked as “Junk” and the analysis can not be finished. This
error occurs when the crucibles were not sited correctly at the balance pedestal. In most cases
the motor calibration is incorrect and has to be checked. Stop analysis for this and open the
cooling down, manually (see Operation Manual: Form –
: Do not open the Thermostep while the furnace is hot! There is an
increased risk of injury by hot pieces inside the furnace!!!)
Check if crucibles are sited properly at the balance pedestal and/or if there are dislocations at
the caroussels during lifitng up/down that stop a proper siting of the crucibles. To check this
lower and raise the caroussels by sight. In the case of irregularities please contact the
Stage not finished or prolonged
It can occur that a stage of analysis is prolonged extremely or can not be finished. This can be
caused by:
wrong or lacking gas for the corresponding stage of analysis
one ore more of the analyzed samples
a wrong adjusted glass chimney
a wrong temperature
a misarranged or wrong chosen application
At a.) Firstly check the gas reservoir! Please note, that the insturment checks before analysis if
there is needed gas available but not in which amount. Please make sure before starting a new
analysis that the needed gases are available in sufficient amounts!
Check if the feeding gas pipes are installed correctly at the instrument (see Fig. 2.1). If the gas
pipes are interchanged the stages are running at the wrong atmosphere what can cause that
chemical reactions not to finish or proceed extremely slow.