Universal Network Terminal TAU-32M.IP 315
If the gateway receives Options 43, 66, and 67 from DHCP server simultaneously, Option 43 will have a priority
in usage. Factory settings for automatic download of firmware and configuration files listed above will not work in
this case.
Description of syntax for Option 43, 66, 67 and firmware and configuration version file: tau.versions
Option 43 syntax:
<suboption number><suboption length><suboption value>,
suboption number and length are passed in a numeric (Hex) format;
suboption value is passed as ASCII code.
Suboptions necessary for autoupdate procedure:
5–autoupdate server address;
Address should be received in the following format:
protocol (ftp, tftp, http, https),
<address>–autoupdate server IP address or domain name,
<port>–autoupdate server port (optional parameter);
6–autoupdate configuration file name;
7—autoupdate firmware file name.
Example of the option record:
05—autoupdate server address suboption number;
11—length, 17bytes (0х11 = 17 dec);
68:74:74:70:3A:2F:2F:61:75:74:6F:2E:72:75:3A:38:30—suboption value;
06—configuration file name suboption number;
09—length, 9bytes;
61:75:74:6F:2E:63:6F:6E:66—suboption value (auto.conf);
07—software file name suboption number;
08—length, 8bytes;
—suboption value (auto.img).