Universal Network Terminal TAU-32M.IP
Provisional dialing method
– dialling type for the line (before loop short):
– tone;
– pulse.
Dialing method
– dialling type for the line (after loop short):
– tone;
– pulse.
For DTMF method:
Pause duration (ms) –
pause duration, in milliseconds;
Tone duration (ms) –
tone duration, in milliseconds.
For pulse method:
Interdigit delay
– time interval between digits when dialling for the analogue phone line. Default
value is 200ms;
Pulse time (ms) –
pulse duration, in milliseconds;
Pause time (ms) –
pause duration, in milliseconds.
Incoming direction parameters
Ring detection
– quantity of rings, that will be used by FXO for loop closure ('offhook') and transmitting the
'PBX response' tone into the line. Default value is 2. If there is a continuous inductor on the line, this
parameter must be set to 1;
PSTN number prefix
– prefix added to the number in CallerID sent to VoIP;
PSTN number prefix
– prefix added to the name in CallerID sent to VoIP;
Use PSTN CallerID
– when checked, use CallerID received from the phone line for VoIP direction call,
otherwise it will not be used;
Detect FXO line presence
– detection of subscriber's line connection to FXO for the line status view in
Block FXO line in outgoing direction
– block FXO set, if the subscriber's line is not connected to it.
Tone detect parameters
Minimum level of detectable signal, dBm
– minimum level of detectable 'PBX response' and 'busy' tones,
permitted values – from -20 to -40dBm;
Dialtone detection parameters –
'PBX response' tone detection parameters;
Busytone detection parameters –
'busy' tone detection parameters.
Ringback tone detection parameters
– ringback tone detection parameters.
When the ringing arrives to FXO set, this setting may result in transmission of false data into
monitoring on loss of subscriber's line connection.