Universal Network Terminal TAU-32M.IP 171
Configuration encryption key:
The key is used for configuration file encryption/decryption during its upload to/download from the device.
When key is not defined, encryption will not work.
Encryption uses AES-256 algorithm.
For configuration file decryption on a PC, you may use
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -pass pass:'Password' -in 'encrypted file' -out 'decrypted file'
To upload a new encryption key
'Enter the new key' max size 10 kB
, specify path to file to be uploaded to the
device using the
Select file
button and click
To delete or change previously uploaded key, specify the path to the encryption key using the
and then click
'Get access'
RADIUS Settings:
Use RADIUS authentication
– use RADIUS server for authentication of users administering the device via
WEB, telnet, SSH.
Parameter can take the following values:
– disable;
-authentication on RADIUS server. When out of service, no answer or denied server reply
receiving local authorisation is disabled;
authentication on RADIUS server. When out of service, no answer or denied server reply
receiving local authorisation is enabled.
RADIUS server (host:port) – RADIUS server IP address;
Password (Secret)
– password used by client to access the RADIUS server;
Retry count
– number of retries during the access to RADIUS server. If the server authorization has failed,
you will be able to manage the device via the local СОМ port only.
On RADIUS server, you may configure passwords for any of the system users: admin, operator,
supervisor, viewer. For detailed information on user privileges, see Section 0.
WEB digest-authentication configuration:
– enables WEB users digest-authentication.
In this mode WEB authorisation through RADIUS will be unavailable
To save the changes click the