When the system is being armed, it will initiate the exit delay countdown intended for the user to leave the secured area. During the
countdown period the buzzer will emit short beeps and/or LED indicator will flash. By default, exit delay duration is 15 seconds. After the
countdown is complete, the system will become armed and lock the configuration by keypad possibility. In case the user does not leave the
secured area before the countdown is complete, the system will arm in Stay mode if at least 1 zone has Stay attribute enabled. By default,
if there is at least 1 violated zone or tamper, the user will not be able to arm the system until the violated zone or tamper is restored. In case
it is required to arm the alarm system despite the violated zone presence, the violated zone can be bypassed or Force attribute enabled.
After the system is armed and if a zone (depending on type) or tamper is violated, the system will cause an alarm lasting for 1 minute (by
default), During the alarm, the siren/bell will provide an alarm sound along with the buzzers of the keypads. By default, the system will also
makes a phone call and send an SMS text message containing the violated zone or tamper number to a listed user and indicate the violated
zone or tamper number on the keypad. If another zone or tamper is violated or the same one is restored and violated again during the alarm,
the system will act as mentioned previously, but will not extend the alarm time.
After the user enters the secured area, the system will initiate the entry delay countdown intended for system disarming. During the count-
down period, the buzzer will emit a steady beep and/or LED indicator will light ON. By default, entry delay duration is 15 seconds. After the
user successfully performs the disarming process, the system will unlock the keypads. If the user does not disarm the system in time, the
alarm system will cause an instant alarm.
The alarm will be caused even if a tamper is violated while the system is disarmed.
For more details, please refer to
!!! In this installation manual the underscore character ”_” represents one space character. Every underscore character must
be replaced by a single space character. There must be no spaces or other unnecessary characters at the beginning and at
the end of the SMS text message.
5.1. SMS Text Messages
In order to configure and control the system by SMS text message, send the text command to the ESIM264 system phone
number from one of the listed user phone numbers. The structure of SMS text message consists of 4-digit SMS password
(the default SMS password is 0000 – four zeros), the parameter and value. For some parameters the value does not apply e. g.
STATUS. The variables are indicated in lower-case letters, while a valid parameter value range is indicated in
5.2. EKB2 LCD Keypad
The system configuration and control by EKB2 keypad is carried out by navigating throughout the menu section list displayed
on LCD screen. To navigate in the menu path, touch
keys to select the desired menu section and touch OK key to open the
selected section. To enter a required value, use 0... 9 keys and touch OK key for confirmation or cancel/go one menu section
back by touching
key. The value can be typed in directly by touching 0... 9 keys while highlighting the desired menu sec-
tion. EKB2 menu type is “circle”, therefore when the last section in the menu list is selected, you will be brought back to the
beginning of the list after touching the
key. In this installation manual, the menu path is based on the EKB2 menu tree by
starting at home screen view (see EKB2 Menu Tree
). The variables are provided in lower-case letters, while a valid
parameter value range is provided in brackets.
Menu section CONFIGURATION is secured with administrator password. The default administrator password is
The system can be configured using only one keypad at a time. Other connected keypads will be inactive while the menu section
CONFIGURATION is opened. The inactive EKB2 keypads will display icon and
The keypad will automatically exit the menu section CONFIGURATION and return to home screen view if 1 minute after the last
key-touch expires.
5.3. EKB3 LED Keypad
The system configuration and control by EKB3 keypad is carried out by activating the Configuration mode using the adminis-
trator password (by default – administrator password is
) and entering a valid configuration command using the number
keys [0]... [9], [#] key for confirmation and [*] key to cancel the characters that are being entered. Alternatively, the user
can wait for 10 seconds until the keypad buzzer will provide a long beep indicating that the entered characters have been
cancelled. When typing in the characters, the indication of each pressed key is provided by short beep of keypad buzzer and
red indicators when the number keys [0]... [9] are being pressed. Some commands require [BYPS], [CODE] and [STAY] keys as
well. The structure of a standard configuration command is a combination of digits. The commands, which do not require the
Configuration mode being activated, are noted. The variables are provided in lower-case letters, while a valid parameter value
range is provided in brackets.
If you were not willing to activate Configuration mode, but accidentally typed in the * as the first character, please press [*] key again
or wait for 10 seconds until the keypad buzzer will provide a long beep indicating that the typed in characters have been cancelled.
Configuration mode
Enter administrator password:
* aaaa #
– 4-digit administrator password.
The following table provides a list of EKB3 indications, which are relevant during Configuration mode.
Indicator ARMED flashing
Configuration mode activated successfully.
Indicator SYSTEM flashing
Valid parameter is entered and waiting for valid value to be entered.
1 long beep
Non-existing command or invalid parameter value entered.
3 short beeps
Command entered successfully.
The system can be configured using only one keypad at a time. Other connected keypads will be inactive while the Configura-
tion mode is activated.
Configuration mode will automatically deactivate if 1 minute after the last key-stroke expires.