Direct Station
Selection (DSS)
Permits you to make or transfer a call to an extension by using a defined key. DSS can also be used on all
accessible system ports. Instead of dialing a number this can be done by pressing the programmed key. Also
provides busy lamp field for programmed stations.
Digitized Voice
Message System
DVMS is the utility that provides the means for embedding pre-recorded announcements into the system.
Recorded messages can be informative, for example: transfer messages, or advertisements.
The Digital Programmable Expansion Module is an optional accessory for the GKT and the DKT 2000 series
telephone sets. Each module provides an additional 40 programmable buttons.
Forced Account
A feature that forces the station user to dial an account code before having access to an outside line. A display
equipped key set user attempting to access an outside line without dialing the account code will receive the
message “ENTER ACCOUNT #” on the display. After dialing the account code, the user will be able to
continue dialing the intended number.
The GKT employs a number of functions (such as Directory and Features) which enrich the telephone's overall
performance. The functions are activated by using a combination of softkeys and hard keys. The complete list
of GKT functions can be found in MENU.
Function Aide
The GKT Functions are manipulated by using the Function Aide Hard keys: ESC, Search, GO TO, Shift, Page-
Up, Page-Down and the scroll keys.
A station or extension that is not ringing or busy, therefore available for use.
If you misdial or dial an unauthorized code (restricted to you), you will receive a reorder tone or will be routed
directly to the attendant/ operator/ master extension, as defined in your system.
Key Set
This is the general term used to describe the GKT, DKT and DST type proprietary telephones.
Off- Hook
Lifting the telephone handset from its cradle has the same effect as pressing a preprogrammed LOOP, LINE or
SPKR key, but automatically inhibits the Speakerphone facility. Off- hook provides the dial tone, which then
enables you to dial or activate a feature.
The line key is used for making and receiving calls when the station is defined as a member of a boss group.
When several line keys are in use, the station will act as if it is a multi-line instrument.
The loop key is used for making and receiving calls. When several loop keys are in use the station will act as if
it is a multi-line instrument.
On- Hook
Replacing the telephone handset on its cradle – has the same effect as pressing the
DSS key.
Outside Line
A series of digits which must be dialed or keyed in order to gain access to a trunk or trunk group.