13. Appendix 3 – Operating an SVX Drive with a Siemens PLC via PROFINET
Dual port ethernet option board installation manual
MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com
Below is the Tool Bar located above the Watch List.
Figure 57.
If the second icon from the right is selected, the Watch List
will begin monitoring and displaying the I/O data as follows:
Figure 58.
In the “Modify value” column, the data for output tags can
be modified to energize the SVX drive and send a Speed
Reference value.
Start: 0x047F
Stop: 0x047E
Speed Reference:
0 represents 0.00 Hz
4000 represents 100% Speed (CW) (60.00 Hz if the
Maximum Speed is set to 60.00 Hz)
C000 represents -100% Speed (CCW) (-60.00 Hz if the
Maximum Speed is set to 60.00 Hz)
The data can be entered/viewed in different formats by
changing the Display Format for any value.
Each time values are entered or modified in the “Modify
Value” column for the Output tags, the lightning bolt with
a 1 under it shown below must be selected to instruct the
software and the PLC to write the val-ue to the SVX drive
via the OPTE9 option card.
Figure 59.
SVX Drive User Manual, Publication MN04001004E
SVX Drive Application Manual, Publication MN04004001E
SVX Drive PROFINET Option card (OPTE9) User Manual,
Publication XXXXXX.
Additional help
In the US or Canada: please contact the Technical Resource
Center at 1-877-ETN-CARE
or 1-877-326-2273 option 2, option 6.
All other supporting documentation is located on the Eaton
web site at www.eaton.com/swd