9. Ethernet/IP
Dual port ethernet option board installation manual
MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com
9.3.3 Mapping of standard output assemblies onto Eaton data
This section specifies how the data in the Standard Output
Assemblies are mapped into Eaton data. FBGeneralControlWord and FBGeneralStatusWord
FBGeneralControlWord and FBGeneralStatusWord are
purely application specific. Check the used application’s
manual for description of their content. FBFixedControlWord
See Chapter 12 “appendix 2 – control and status word”. Start/Stop bit in FBFixedControlWord
If one of the “RunFwd” or “RunRev” bits in an Output
Assembly has the value 1, the “Start/Stop” bit 0 in the
Eaton FBFixedControlWord is set to 1. Otherwise the bit
is set to 0.
If both the “RunFwd” and “RunRev” bits have the value 1,
no changes are done to FBFixedControlWord. Direction bit in FBFixedControlWord
If the “RunRev” bit in an Output Assembly has the value 1,
and the “RunFwd” bit in the assembly has the value 0, then
the “Direction” bit 1 in the Eaton FBFixedControlWord is set
to 1. Otherwise the bit is set to 0. Fault reset bit in FBFixedControlWord
The “Fault Reset” bit in an Output Assembly is mapped to
the “Fault Reset” bit 2 in the Eaton FBFixedControlWord.
Both bits are rising-edge sensitive. Request fieldbus control bit in FBFixedControlWord
The “NetCtrl” bit in an Output Assembly is not mapped
to the “Request Fieldbus Control” bit 8 in the Eaton
FBFixedControlWord because this way you can place the
drive to the IO or keypad control while fieldbus is active. Request fieldbus reference bit in FBFixedControlWord
The “NetRef” bit in an Output Assembly is not mapped
to the “Request Fieldbus Reference” bit 9 in the Eaton
FBFixedControlWord. Master connection state bit in FBFixedControlWord
If the EtherNet/IP communication with the master device
is functional, the bit 15 in the Eaton FBFixedControlWord is
set to 1. If the communication with the master device is not
working, the bit 15 in the FBFixedControlWord is set to 0.
9.3.4 Mapping of data onto standard input assemblies
This section specifies how the Eaton data is mapped onto
the data in the Standard Input Assemblies. FBFixedStatusWord
See Chapter 12 “appendix 2 – control and status word”. Ready indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
The “Ready Indication” bit 0 in the Eaton
FBFixedStatusWord is mapped to the “Ready” bit in an
Input Assembly which supports this bit. Run/Stop indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
The “Run/Stop indication” bit 1 in the Eaton
FBFixedStatusWord is mapped to the “Running1” and
“Running2” bits in an Input Assembly which supports these
bits. The state of the Running1 and
Running2 bits depends further on the “Direction Indication”
bit 2 of the Eaton FBFixedStatusWord as follows:
Table 153. Run/Stop bit indication map
Run/Stop = 0
Run/Stop = 1
Direction = X
Direction = 0
Direction = 1
1 Direction indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
See chapter Fault indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
The “Fault Indication” bit 3 in the Eaton FBFixedStatusWord
is mapped to the “Faulted” bit in an Input Assembly which
supports this bit. Alarm indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
The “Alarm Indication” bit 4 in the Eaton FBFixedStatusWord
is mapped to the “Warning” bit in an input Assembly which
supports this bit. Setpoint reached indication bit in FBFixedStatusWord
The “Setpoint Reached Indication” bit 5 in the Eaton
FBFixedStatusWord is mapped to the “AtReference”
bit in an Input Assembly which supports this bit. Fieldbus control indication in input assemblies
The selected control place is indicated in the Input
Assemblies which contain the “CtrlFromNet” bit. If the
control place is assigned to fieldbus then this bit is set to 1,
else it is 0. Fieldbus reference indication in input assemblies
The selected reference is indicated in Input Assemblies which
contain the “RefFromNet” bit. If the reference is assigned to
fieldbus then this bit is set to 1, otherwise it is 0. FBSpeedReference in percentage
This is the reference 1 to the AC drive. The allowed scaling
is from 0 to 10000. In the application, the value is scaled in
percentage of the frequency area between set minimum
and maximum frequency.