5. Installation
Dual port ethernet option board installation manual
MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com
5.2 PC Tools
Before connecting the OPTE9 option board to the network,
its IP addresses must be set according to the network.
By default, the option board uses a DHCP server to get
an IP address. If your network does not have a DHCP
server, you need to set an IP address manually. This can be
accomplished with the PC tools described in this chapter or
with the drive’s keypad (see Chapter 6).
For more information about IP addresses or a DHCP server,
contact your network administrator.
5.2.1 PC Tool support
This table describes what PC tools are supported in each
drive type. The connection type “serial” means a direct
connection to the drive. The connection type “Ethernet”
means a connection via the OPTE9 Ethernet port.
Table 10. The supported PC tools with different drives
Not supported with OPTE9 Dual Port Ethernet
5.2.2 Updating the OPTE9 option board firmware
with MaxLoader
The MaxLoader can be downloaded from
www.eaton.com/drives. It has been bundled
with the Eaton Live software package.
To update the option board firmware, follow
the steps below.
Step 1. Connect your PC to the controller by using
the USB/RS485 cable.
Then select the firmware file which you want to load
to the option board and double click it. This will start
the MaxLoader software. You can also start the program
from the Windows Start menu. In this case, select the
firmware file using the “Browse”-button (see Figure 11).
Figure 11. EatonLoadere: File selection
Step 2. Press ‘next’ and wait for the loader to find the
network drives.
Then select a drive from the list and press ‘Connect to
Selected’. See Figure 12.
Figure 12. EatonLoadere: Connecting to drive