3. OPTE9 ethernet board technical data
Dual port ethernet option board installation manual
MN032004EN October 2017 www.eaton.com
In the example below, the Ethernet communication will be
interrupted to device number three and other devices after
that when the link is broken. The Fieldbus communication
maybe faulted when the link is broken, but when the switch
enables the second designated port, the connections
can be reopened. In the RSTP protocol, it generally takes
few seconds before the second designated port will
be activated.
Figure 8. Ring ˚topologye: Error in network
The OPTE9 switch itself does not implement the
RSTP protocol, so the network will always need a
third party switch to support it.
Configuration example
The screenshots below (Figure 9, Figure 10) show one
example of configuring the RSTP in the switch (in this case
an EtherWAN switch). Port two is the designated port and
port one is the alternative port. The PLC was connected
to port nine (the laptop taking the screenshots was in
port 16). When configuring your switch, refer to the switch
manufacturer’s manual.
Figure 9. Etherwan switch RSTP configuration example
Figure 10. Etherwan switch RSTP configuration example
– port settings
4.5 ACD (address conflict detection)
The OPTE9 option board implements ACD algorithm (IETF
RFC 5227). The implementation includes requirements from
the EtherNet/IP protocol. The ACD algorithm tries to actively
detect if the IP address configured to this device is been
used by another device in the same network. To accomplish
this, ACD sends four ARP request packets when the
device’s Ethernet interface goes up or when its IP address
changes. ACD prevents the use of the Ethernet interface
until the ARP probing finishes. This delays the startup of
fieldbus protocols about one second. During the delay or
after it, the ACD passively checks incoming ARP messages
for use of the device’s IP address. If another device with the
same IP address is detected, the ACD will try to defend its
IP address with a single ARP message. If the other device
with the same IP address also supports ACD, it should stop
using the address. If not, the ACD will close the Ethernet
connection and indicate the situation with LEDs.
This is done according the “DefendWithPolicyB”.
Other policies are not supported. If the fieldbus protocol has
been active, a fieldbus fault may be activated (depends on
the fieldbus and drive application configuration).