Zero 88 FLX Lighting Console
User Manual
Networking Basics
Ethernet basics
The FLX supports various Ethernet communication
protocols for sending DMX over a network, connecting to
visualisation tools / remote apps etc. and for creating a full
tracking backup system. Details of these options are found
on previous pages, and example system layouts are
shown on the following pages.
FLX includes an “EtherCON” connector –
this accepts a
“normal” RJ45 connector (the standard connector on an
“Ethernet cable”), or the more robust EtherCON connector
designed especially for tough touring conditions.
Unlike DMX, Ethernet operates in a different topology.
DMX is daisy chained
(“line topology”)
from fixture to
fixture, whereas Ethernet data is connected using a Star
IP Addresses
IP Addresses are a devices identity on an Ethernet
network. The address indicates where the device is located
and in combination with the Subnet Mask, indicates what
the desk can see, and vice-versa. The number is made up
from 4 blocks of data, between 0 and 255
Subnet Masks
The Subnet Mask indicates what a network device can see
on the network
the standard subnet mask for an Ethernet
network is, indicating that a device with an
IP address of can see any device whose IP
starts with 192.168.0.x, but cannot see anything starting
Switch vs Crossover
There are two ways of making an Ethernet connection with
a ZerOS console.
Via a standard Ethernet Switch
the desk is connected to
one connector on the switch, and other devices are
connected to another port
Via a crossover cable
the desk and connected device are
connected together directly via a crossed network cable.
This system is ideal for visualisation PCs as it negates the
need for an additional box in the middle, however this
system has its drawbacks
it is not possible to use DHCP
configuration, and it is not possible to connect more than
one device in this manner.
DHCP is a protocol used by Ethernet enabled devices to
dynamically allocate an IP address to devices on the
network. In order to use this system, a DHCP host must
exist on the network. Some Ethernet Switches offer DHCP
capabilities, as do Wireless Routers. It is important that
you ensure that there is only ONE DHCP host on a
multiple DHCP hosts can cause malfunctioning
of the system.