Zero 88 FLX Lighting Console
User Manual
Fade Time
The time with which FLX fades the attributes that move
on dark.
Delay Time
The time the FLX waits after a fixture reaches blackout
before move on dark kicks in.
Don’t Move
Colour / Beamshape / Position / Effect
This option allows you to disable a specific attribute
from moving in dark across the whole playback. By
default, only “Don’t Move Effect” should be enabled.
Playback Setup window
Advanced tab
The various options are described below:
This option allows you to renumber all the programmed
cues in the playback. Press
soft key. This brings up the Renumber
Cues dialogue box. Enter the required Start Number
and Increment in the fields provided and then select
button in the window.
When this option is selected, all the cues in the cue
stack are changed into block cues, ie this programs and
tags all the parameters at the values they would
normally be output at when the cue is played back.
When this option is selected, any parameters that are
recorded at the same value as in the previous cue are
untagged, ie turns block cues into tracked cues.
Allow Stomping
occurs when a playback takes control of all
the channels from another playback, and so releases
that playback.
Page Lock
Page Lock means this playback will not change when
the Playback Page is changed, so it is always available.
This means you can no longer access the playbacks on
other pages which would normally be accessed via this
physical fader, until Page Lock is disabled.
Stack Name
This is an alternative method of naming a Playback,
rather than using syntax.