Zero 88 FLX Lighting Console
User Manual
When groups are selected, they will be highlighted in the
Groups window. S
electing “All –
Dimmers” will also
highlight “Odd –
Dimmers”, “Even –
Dimmers” etc, as by
selecting “All –
Dimmers” you are also selecting these.
Automatic groups
The FLX lighting console can automatically generate a
group for each type of fixture you have
, plus ‘odd’, ‘even’
half” and “2
groups for each different fixture
To create the automatic groups, view the Groups window
(by pressing Group ) and choose
“Automatically create
All automatic groups automatically store the intensities of
those fixtures at 100%.
Groups window after “Automatically create groups” has been selected.
Recording groups
You can create your own groups of fixtures, eg Blinders,
FOH movers, PARs on LX3 etc. Simply select the fixtures
that you wish to be in the group using either the channel
buttons or syntax, and then type either:
Record Group 1 5 Enter
This records Group 15
Record Group
touch group
This records whichever group you touch on the touch screen.
Notice how Enter
to be pressed after the
last number, as the Record command can take its place.
If the Group window is already displayed on the internal
monitor, instead of typing a number, just press an empty
group on the display.
If the selected fixtures have a tagged intensity value, this
will also get stored within the group. If there is no tagged
intensity value, those channels will get stored at 100%.
Only fixtures that are currently selected will be recorded
into the group, even if other fixtures have intensity values.
As well as the selection and the intensities, groups record
the order the fixtures were selected in. This is useful when
using the next / previous keys within Highlight, or when
offsetting effects across selections of fixtures.
For example, the following three commands would record
three slightly different groups:
1 thru 4 Record Group 1 Enter
4 thru 1 Record Group 2 Enter
2 thru 4 and 1 Record Group 3 Enter
When groups are recorded, they will be automatically given
a name, based on what’s been recorded into them. T
name can be easily changed.