C H A P T E R 2
Load Cell Calibration
Above Ground Model 250i Motorcycle Dynamometer Installation Guide
Using the drop-down arrow, set the index to zero.
Powersports Dynos have one load cell, leave the index set to zero.
10 Enter the calibration weight. This value is stamped into the calibration arm.
Figure 2-42: Calibration Mass Window
Enter the calibration number stamped near the bolt pattern at the end of the
calibration arm in the Mass box. If you do not have enough room to use the bolt
pattern closest to the end of the calibration arm, use the number stamped near the
bolt pattern in the center of the arm.
Dynojet recommends you secure the calibration arm using the bolt pattern
closest to the end of the arm unless space constraints in your dyno room do not
allow you to.
Figure 2-43: Calibration Arm Number
bolt pattern closest to
the end of the
calibration arm
bolt pattern near the
center of the
calibration arm