DResearch GmbH – Configuration of the Hydra
analogue DVR
Video output – Output control to monitor
Trigger for manual
Here you specify the digital input, which will be used for the manual shift. Make sure to
set the required priority, otherwise the system will not react as expected.
Scheme of the
manual shift
Selecting the scheme for manual shift (bottom right). Prior to that, a scheme for manual
shift has to be created. Therein you can define camera and MultiView This can be a
different scheme as the one for standard output.
Switching back to
standard output
Once this time expires (in seconds), the system switches back from manual shift to
standard output.
Video output – Control of Video output with through trigger (GPI)
The new rules for controlling the system with over a Trigger/GPI, can be created with the “new line”
button. The list is automatically updated.
Here you specify the digital input, which will be used for the action. Make sure to set the
required priority for this GPI, otherwise the system will not react as expected.
Video source
Selection of the video image that will be shown when the GPI is triggered. Options for
selection are all active cameras, black screen or a MultiView that was defined earlier
The system operates according to the rules of priority set forth herein.
The higher the
priority, the higher the system will prioritize this rule (a GPI with Priority of 5 will be
prioritized higher than a rule with a GPI and priority of 2).
Should the system not react
as expected, check here if the priorities are blocking the expected behaviour.
Field for additional information and commentary.
Video output – Layouts for preview monitor
The new layouts can be created with the “new line” button. A window opens in which you can choose a
basic layout (QaudView, 6-, 8-, and 9-View), assign a label for the layout and the corresponding camera
positions. After the window is closed, a new layout appears in the listing
Label of the layout (MultiViews)
The basic layout used for this specific layout.
Video sources
Selection of cameras and/or MultiViews, that is shown in sequence on the monitor
Video output – Schemes for Video sequencing
New sequencing schemes can be created with the „new line“button. A window opens in which you can
assign the labels for the schemes and select the corresponding camera signals and/or a MultiView
(layout), that are to be shown in the switch sequence. After the window is closed, a new layout appears in
the listing
Label of Schemes
Video sources
Selection of cameras and/or MultiViews, that is shown in sequence on the monitor