DResearch GmbH – Configuration of the Hydra
analogue DVR
Setting the configuration parameters
After selecting a system from the overview (offline method), followed by selection of a configuration
set with the
button, the configuration set (every set of a configuration can be selected for edit) is
opened. Using the online method, the interface is opened directly after selecting the device. Please
notice that only one set at a time can be opened for edit.
The two main tabs from the top row cannot be closed. The configuration of the system is built around
a logical sequence (from left to right):
General parameter settings
Audio and Video configuration
Recording mode configuration
Video output to monitor configuration
Digital input/output configuration
System communication interface configuration
Requirements for the system during events and errors (error management)
The data can be saved at any time with the Save Configuration button. Any changes can be deleted,
by selecting the Configuration Reset button. Thereby the last saved state will be loaded (if any data
was saved during the modification of a set, it will be restored to the last saved state). Only after
changing a parameter, are both buttons activated.
The application does not do any plausibility tests. To avoid any configuration errors in the system,
the parameters should be set with the utmost care. However, the graphic interface supports the
parameterization with tool tips and entry checks (not all boxes). Use only supported characters
during input: digits (0-9), letters (a-z, A-Z), spaces, dot, dash, etc. Avoid special characters (like `, $,
etc), umlauts and other characters.
Tabs for parameter designation
Button for saving or deleting changes.