DResearch GmbH – Configuration of the Hydra
analogue DVR
Recording profiles
Define here a label for the profile (e.g. standard profile, high quality, etc.)
Frame rate
Here you can set what frame rate is used to capture with.
Attention: The GUI allows entry of meaningless numerical values – always enter a
meaningful value between 1 and 25 fps.
Recommended setting: 4,6,8 or 12 frames)
Video format
Setting the video format. Choices: quarter frame CIF (288 x 352 Px), half frame 2CIF
(720 x 352 Px) as well as full frame 4CIF (720 x 576 Px).
Recommended setting: 2CIF
Video quality
Setting the video quality. The system works internally with a default setting of 50% - the
system is using default settings, if a 0 or invalid is displayed. Here you can enter the
value range: 0 – 100 (in %, the value controls the compression method of the system). It
is not allowed to enter any values that are negative or out of range.
Recommended setting: 50
Bit rate setting that the system uses to capture with.
Using fixed
If this field is enabled, the system captures with fixed bitrates. If this field is deactivated,
the video system captures continually with the selected quality level (0-100%).
The right parameter values should be chosen, so that there is no waste of storage capacity or poor
system performance (permanent overload). In principle, the quality selection should allow the
identification of individuals.
Recommendation of the manufacturer:
Video format 2CIF, 6 frames per second (fps), 50% quality or Bitrate of 100.000 Bit/s.