Utilities & Configuration
Utilities & Configuration
Digital PRIORIS XL Server
Digital PRIORIS XL Server
MCS Logistics Engineering - Nijmegen
MCS Logistics Engineering - Nijmegen
This option allows the server’s BIOS to be cached in the primary cache and secondary cache (if installed).
This increases server performance because BIOS instructions are fetched from cache instead of RAM.
Shadow Video ROM
The main logic board reserves an area of DRAM for a copy of video BIOS ROM. This DRAM (called
"shadow memory") is write-protected and has the same addresses as the video BIOS ROM locations.
When shadowing video BIOS ROM, the ROM information is copied into an appropriate area in DRAM.
This increases the server’s performance because the video BIOS instructions are in fast DRAM instead of
Cache Video ROM
This option allows the server to cache video BIOS information. Caching the server’s video ROM provides
better performance at the VGA level, however, when running certain application software, conflicts might
Shadow 32K at C8000, D0000, and D8000.
These options allow the server to shadow any device BIOS located in the C8000 to DFFFF address space.
Shadowing device BIOS in these areas increases the server’s overall performance.
Refer to the device's documentation to determine if this function can be performed.
AT Bus Space
This option allows to select a memory hole in upper memory (between 1 MB and 16 MB) to be used by
optional network expansion boards or optional software using frame-grab memory. Selecting an available
memory hole range avoids memory address conflicts by mapping the physical memory that has been
addressed to the region to the top of main memory.
Refer to the user documentation supplied with the optional network expansion board or optional software
to see if a specific memory range is required for proper operation. Also make sure the operating system
can support the memory hole selections prior to enabling this feature.
Banyan Vines users must select AT Bus Space E00000h, 1 MB to eliminate memory
address conflicts.
512KB-640KB Mapping
This option allows the address space between 80000 (512 KB) and 9FFFF (640 KB) to be mapped to the
PCI or ISA bus. Note that when this option is enabled, the amount of conventional memory under MS-
DOS is reduced by 128 KB.