DIETA MI-MX user manual 5/2019 • Page EN-139
Range 0:10 ... 2:59. Factory setting 1 minute.
Range 2:00 ... 9:59. Factory setting 3 minutes.
The set value is a default time for CHILL. Set this
value as you like. Factory setting is 10°C. If you
want to be sure of the final chilling temperature
set the set value e.g. 2°C lower than the actual
desired temperature.
Note! In the EASY programming you cannot
change the CHILL temperature. This setting in the
profile is the only place where you can change
the CHILL temperatute for EASY programming.
Default value for chill-hold in the CHILL program.
Note! if you have set a temperature and a time
for a CHILL program, the time starts when the
set temperature is reached. Note that this if for
CHILL-HOLD only; the kettle keeps the food in
the set temperature only. Range 0...23:59 h:min.
Factory setting 0:00.
Default value for 2-step chilling.
Range 20 ... 99 °C. If setting is 99, there is no
2-step chilling.
2-step chilling works as follows:
The chilling starts with tap water. The water goes
to the drain after the chilling.
When food temperature has reached the set
value, e.g. 40°C, the chilling with tap water stops
and chilling with cold chilling water starts.
This way you can save some of the ice banks
chilling energy when the hot water from the chill
start is directed to the drain instead of the ice
bank. (In the beginning the return water is 70°C or
Factory setting 99 (no 2-step chilling).
Press this button to reset to factory settings (in
this profile). All changes to the profile will be set
back to factory default values except names,
date and time.
ALARM (option in MX-kettle only)
If kettle has an external alarm, alarm settings can
be adjusted.
PROGRAM END sounds alarm when program ends.
PROGRAM END + NOTE sounds alarm when a note
appears as part of program and when program
NO ALARM. Alarm will not sound
Forward (program 1) mixer turns forward only.
AutoReverse (program 2) mixer turns ”MIX 2”
time backward and then ”MIX 1” time forward.
Factory setting 0:05 reverse 0:15 forward.
Quick AutoReverse (program 3) the mixer
changes direction after ”MIX 2” time.
Factory setting 0:05 reverse 0:05 forward.
Slow AutoReverse (program 4) the mixer
changes direction after ”MIX 1” time.
Factory setting 0:15 reverse 0:15 forward.
AutoR pause (program 5) the mixer turns
backward for MIX 2 time, and then forward MIX 1
time and then pauses for SHORT PAUSE time.
F pause (program 6) the mixer turns
forward for MIX 1 time and then pauses for SHORT
PAUSE time.
Fwd + long pause (program 7) the mixer turns
forward for MIX 1 time and then pauses for LONG
PAUSE time.