DIETA MI-MX user manual 5/2019 • Page EN-110
• FORWARD ONLY is generally OK
• AUTO REVERSE breaks food more
• PAUSED MODES are more gentle, longer pause and lower speed makes mixing more gentle.
OPEN LID (the mixer stops immediately),
set speed to 0 (zero) or press MIXER-button.
Use the red Emergency Stop button in an
emergency only.
Continue mixing after lid open:
For safety reasons, the mixing is automatically
stopped when the lid is open. After closing the
lid, the kettle allows to continue mixing with
previous mixing settings.
Pressing the blinking red speed will continue mixing with the previous mixer mode and speed.
Pressing elsewhere on the screen will return the screen to normal view.
Reducing speed:
Press SAFE MIX BUTTON, or set speed lower with mixer speed control.
Max speed is 200. The speed is proportional to the kettle size (rim speed is the same in all
kettle sizes). Start with low speed. If spilling occurs, reduce speed.
Safe Mix Button
The mixer starts (also when kettle is tilted) when the safe mixing button is pressed. The speed
is max 20 rpm (service may set the speed 5...20 rpm). The mixing operates only while the
button is pressed.
The safe speed may also be used during normal mixing to reduce speed if spilling occurs
Hot liquids
Be careful when mixing hot liquids. The food may spill if the speed is too high. Auto-
Reverse spills more than Forward Only.
Mixing tools for large kettles are heavy. It is easiest to remove mixing tool in parts.