DIETA MI-MX user manual 5/2019 • Page EN-135
In the left there is all the vital information of the
process. If there is more information than what fits
into the screen, scroll to see more.
Press PRINT to write a report in pdf-format on a USB
memory stick (both text and chart). You must have
the USB memory stick already plugged in.
If you want to see the temperature chart, push
CHART button:
The black line is the food temperature, and the
light line is the jacket temperature (steam or the
chilling water in the kettle) . The most dangerous
temperature range (bacteria growth area)
+10...+60 °C is marked with red background colour.
Press START TIME to see the timer options.
Up left there is a “EGG TIMER” and under it a timer
(2 timers in MX-kettle) where you can program an
existing program with a delayed start.
Set time by scrolling the minutes and the seconds.
Start timer pressing the blue bar. The egg timer
counts down the time to 0:00, and then it gives a
In the beginning the display is as above, but if
nothing is done in 20 seconds, the display will
change to VITAL SIGNS and the eggtimer is seen in
the lower right corner display.