DIETA MI-MX user manual 5/2019 • Page EN-120
Factory settings for the mixing modes. These values can be changed in user settings.
Factory settings
1 • Forward only
2 • Auto-Reverse:
15 s. forward, 5 s. reverse
3 • Auto-Reverse, quick:
5 s. fwd, 5 s. rev
4 • Auto-Reverse, slow:
15 s. fwd, 15 s. rev
5 • Auto-Reverse, short pause:
15 s. fwd, 5 s. rev, 60 s. pause
6 • Forward only, short pause:
15 s. fwd, 60 s. pause
7 • Forward only, long pause:
15 s. fwd, 3 min pause
Stop mixer by pushing the MIXER -button.
Stop the whole program by pushing STOP.
NOTE! The program stops automatically:
• when the program time has ended
• when set temperature has been reached (if no program time has been set).
If the screen has not been touched in 20 seconds,
the display changes to ”VITAL SIGNS”, which shows
the most important data on the screen:
The upper left corner shows the status of the
heating/chilling program.Target temperature range
(1, 2 or 3 flames for heating; snowflake for chilling)
and set temperature are shown in top row. Actual
temperature is shown in large numbers.
Note, when set temperature is
• 0...99 °C actual temperature is food temperature
• 100...125 °C actual temperature is jacket temperature (red text)
The upper right corner shows remaining program time in large numbers, and program step (in
multistep programs).
The lower left corner shows the mixer speed, and mixing mode in writing. Top row shows the
mixer mode symbol and number.