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Change unit profile in a CAN bus system
The advanced XDi-net functions allow all indicators connected via CAN to make a simultaneous shift of unit profile.
All XDi-N indicators where you want the unit profile selection to be synchronised must have their
“Profile mode”
changed from “Local” to “Global” in the quick menu “UNIT PROFILES” shown in the first menu picture above.
If the unit profile is changed on one XDi, then all other XDi-N units in Global mode and connected to the same CAN
bus, will follow.
If you edit the selection of presentation units in one of the 3 Unit profiles, the change will also be synchronised, via
the CAN bus, with all the other XDi-N indicators that is
in “Global mode”.
VI mode group setup
In this quick menu it is possible to reorganize the different screens in a virtual indicator (VI) with multiple screens.
We will use one of the DEIF standard wind indicators (VI007) with 4 screens as example.
By default, Screen 1 is assigned to Mode 1, Screen 2 to Mode 2 and so on as it can also be seen below in the quick
menu picture: