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In XDi with library with version 2000 or higher, meaning that it is running on XDi software platform 2, the fixed
dimmer function is not that important since the dimmer level can easily be adjusted directly from the front using
pushbutton 2 and 3.
In all DEIF standard libraries and many customized libraries you will find a special ECR product profile.
It is highly recommended to use that profile in applications where the backlight always is turned ON, you can easily
adjust the level using the pushbuttons or in platform 1 libraries (version 0001 or higher) use this fixed dimmer menu
to fine tune the level.
Press OK to enter
“Fixed dimmer level”, and a new menu will appear showing the actual virtual indicator together
with a new soft-key menu for adjusting the fixed dimmer level:
Using the actual indicator design when adjusting
the backlight level makes it easier to find the
desired level.
Dimmer groups
dimmer groups (Gr. 1 to 9) can be controlled via CAN and in addition a “Local” mode, which will not be controlled
via CAN.
Parameters for all dimmer groups including the default selected dimmer group are predefined in the Product Profile
(PP). Parameters may however be changed and adjusted via the user menu.
The dimmer level will be set to the same for all units in the group. The control method is defined in the PP.
A dimmer group can be preconfigured to be controlled by:
1. An XDi-net command
2. A CANopen
3. An analogue dimmer input on one XDi shared using XDi-net protocol (requires AX1 module)
4. A digital input dimming on one (or more) XDi units shared using XDi-net protocol (requires DX1)