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8 Menu level 1 functions only in XDi-N
In this description the DEIF standard wind indicator VI007 is used as example.
Toggle between screens (button 1)
The XDi-N can have up to 4 screen in a virtual indicator and some of the standard wind indicators have 2, 3 or 4
screens presenting different wind data types or combinations.
By default, each
“Screen mode” has one screen assigned. This means that when you toggle between the modes,
the screen will shift.
The screen mode and the screen assigned to this mode is presented in the left side of the pop-up menu:
this indicates that the present screen mode is 1 and the assigned screen is sc. 1 (screen 1).
Press the left button (1) shortly to highlight the pop-up menu bar and then press again to toggle to the next screen
Pushing several times when the help menu is visible will toggle you through all the available screens.
Using Screen mode grouping in system integration
Normally the mode function is set up as local, which means that only the XDi where you have pushed the button
will shift screen.
In a CAN bus system, the
“screen mode” function can be grouped much like the dimmer function, and this means
that all indictors in a mode group will shift screen simultaneously.
In a wind system, this function can be used to shift all indicators to show the preferred wind indicator screen in a
given work situation.
In each XDi within a mode group, the 4 screen modes will have a screen assigned and the assigned screen can be
changed via the quick menu. The same screen can even be assigned to be used in more than one
“screen mode” if
This mode grouping function can be used to make quite advanced systems where a combination of different XDi-N
indicators forms an information system where relevant data for a given work situation is presented on all indicators
with a single push on a button or even controlled from an integrated control system.
In the chapter
“VI mode group setup” you can find much more information about how this mode group function
works and see some examples.