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Sourcing data to the XDi
There are six different ways of sourcing measured data into an XDi for presentation on a virtual indicator, see the
illustration below.
In the VI-setup profile (VS), each virtual indicator input will be predefined to use a defined data type/instance in the
Object index table, and this data type/instance will be pre-set to receive its input data using one of the input
methods described below.
Fig. 3 XDi input output structure
The figure above shows all the different ways input data can be received by an XDi.
CANopen TPDO or RPDO (1)
A TPDO (Transmit Process Data Object) contains up to 8 data bytes. A data type is often located in byte 0 and 1
and the rest is not used, but it is possible to have different data types mapped into one TPDO. TPDOs are often
used by sensors to transmit data. RPDOs (Receive Process Data Objects) are often used by a CAN controller or
master device to send data to a receiving device.
XDi can be set up to use any of the TPDOs or RPDOs as CAN input, but please note that if the XDi-net is active,
there are some restrictions on the use of RPDO1. Please see the XDi-net/CANopen reference manual for details.
The same method applies for dimmer level input data and control for indicator day/(dusk)
/night shift.