Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
5.2 Troubleshooting Using the Serial Interface
To qu ickly verify serial com m u nications send the
(help ) com m and . By send ing the
and receiving the help m enu , the serial com m u nications are verified . If fu rther p roblem s
p ersist, review Ap p end ix B for m ore inform ation on com m u nications.
Verify Parameters
To verify the cam era setu p , send the
(get cam era p aram eters) com m and .
Verify Factory Calibrated Settings
To restore the camera’s factory settings send the
com m and .
After execu ting this com m and send the
com m and to verify the factory settings.
Verify Timing and Digital Video Path
Use the test p attern featu re to verify the p rop er tim ing and connections betw een the
cam era and the fram e grabber and verify the p rop er ou tp u t along the d igital p rocessing
Verify Voltage
To check the camera’s input voltages, use the
com m and . Make su re the voltage is
w ithin the p rop er range (+12V to +15V). If a p roblem still p ersists, contact Technical
Su p p ort. See section
Error! Reference source not found.
for contact inform ation.
5.3 Specific Solutions
No Output or Erratic Behavior
If you r cam era p rovid es no ou tp u t or behaves erratically, it m ay be p icking u p rand om
noise from long cables acting as antennae. Do not attach w ires to u nu sed p ins. Verify that
the cam era is not receiving sp u riou s inp u ts (e.g. EXSYN C, if cam era is u sing an internal
signal for synchronization).
Line Dropout, Bright Lines, or Incorrect Line rate
Verify that the frequ ency of the internal sync is set correctly.
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