Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix D
Revision History
Change Description
RoH S cam era p relim inary release.
CE and no-Pb stam p s ad d ed to front cover.
N ew p aram eter (4) ad d ed to com m and Correction Calibrate PRN U (cp a), p ages
25, 46, and 79.
Tw o new com m and s ad d ed : Set FPN Range (sfr), and Set PRN U Range (sp r),
p ages 47, 49, and 83.
Tooling hole d im ensions ad d ed to m echanical d raw ing, section 4.1 p age 63.
Piranha 3 squ are op tion ad d ed to m echanicals section, section 4.1 p age 63. Also
ad d ed to the Mod els table, p age 8, and to the EMC d eclaration, p age 85.
-Labels for p ow er and control/ d ata connectors u p d ated on the m echanicals.
N ew labels read : "Pow er 12 - 15V DC" and "Control & Data 1."
-Revised allow able line rate valu es, p age 30. 12k: 2500-23619H z and 8k: 2500-
33855H z.
- Reference to the cam era w ith squ are bod y and heat sink (P3-87-12k40-01-00-R)
rem oved .
-Cam era m od el nam es on cover revised to inclu d e all m od els.
-Inp u t and ou tp u t connectors figu re, p age 16, revised to inclu d e both cam era
bod y m od els, slim and squ are.
-Revised m od el nu m bers ad d ed to m echanical interface d iagram s, p age 63.
-Measu rem ent u nits (m m ) ad d ed to m echanical d iagram s.
N ote ad d ed to section 2.2.3 recom m end ing a Cam era Link cable no longer than
5 m eters for lossless d ata transm ission.
Cam era m echanicals revised so that the sensor alignm ent is d one based on the
tooling holes in the cam era's front p late. Mechanical illu stration in the m anu als
and d atasheets revised to show the new alignm ent. Teled yne DALSA log o and
inform ation also ad d ed .
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