Piranha 3 User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix B
Error Handling and
Command List
B1 Error Handling
The follow ing table lists w arning and error m essages and p rovid es a d escrip tion and
p ossible cau se.
Table 16: Warning and Error Messages
Warning 01: Ou tsid e
of sp ecification>
Param eter accep ted w as ou tsid e of sp ecified op erating range (e.g.
gain greater than ±10 d B of factory setting).
Warning 02: Clip p ed
to m in>
Param eter w as clip p ed to the cu rrent op erating range. Use GCP to
see valu e u sed .
Warning 03: Clip p ed
to m ax>
Param eter w as clip p ed to the cu rrent op er ating range. Use GCP to
see valu e u sed .
Warning 04: Related
p aram eters
ad ju sted >
Param eter w as clip p ed to the cu rrent op erating range. Use GCP to
see valu e u sed .
Warning 05: Missing
cod es – insu fficient
d igital gain>
Ou tp u t w hen the d igital gain is su ch that m issing cod es are to be
exp ected d u e to not enou gh d igital gain.
Warning 06: Missing
cod es – too m u ch
d igital gain>
Ou tp u t w hen the d igital gain is su ch that m issing cod es are to be
exp ected d u e to too m u ch d igital gain.
Warning 07:
Coefficient m ay be
inaccu rate A/ D
clip p ing has
occu rred >
In the region of interest (ROI) greater than 6.251% single or 1% of
averaged p ixel valu es w ere zero or satu rated .
Warning 08: Greater
than 1% of
coefficients have
been clip p ed
A FPN / PRN U has been calcu lated to be g reater than the m axim u m
allow able 511 (8).
Error 01: Internal
error xx>
Output only in ―diagnostic mode‖ or self check at pow er or reset
cam era. Where xx is a cod e.
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