User's Manual
Step 7
Set camera IP address.
When there is DHCP server in the network, select DHCP, and the remote device gets
dynamic IP address automatically. It is unnecessary to enter IP address, subnet mask
and gateway.
Select Static, and then enter static IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and
incremental value.
After you input incremental value, system can add the fourth address of the IP address
one by one to automatically allocate the IP addresses.
If you want to change several devices IP addresses at the same time, system allocates IP
address of the same network segment.
If there is IP conflict when changing static IP address, device pops up IP conflict
dialogue box. If batch change IP address, device automatically skips the conflicted IP
and begins the allocation according to the incremental value.
Step 8
Click Next.
System begins initializing remote device.
Figure 5-14 Initialize
Step 9
Click Confirm and Add, or click OK.
Click Confirm and Add: System completes initializing the remote device and then adds
the remote device to the list. System goes back to Add device page.
Click OK: System completes initializing remote device. System goes back to Add device