Z coordinate of sensor activation
Z coordinate of table level
If you e.g. when reaching the table Z=-122.070mm, and sensor gave an active signal at
Z=-110.656mm – the entered value should be 11.414.
It is parameter that describes at what height the Z-axis can slide down fast (G0). If we
have doubts how long tools will be measured it is safer to enter „0”.
X and Y position of the sensor in a machine tool working area.
Maximum distance the axis travels down in the measurement mode. If in measure-
ment mode the Z-axis run this distance, and the sensor signal does not appear – the
measurement failed. With this parameter, you can protect yourself from a situation
when the measurement was called while the tool was not clamped.
First measurement speed (mm/min).
Second precise measurement speed (mm/min).
Determines how much the Z-axis should be raised before the second measurement.
The value should be large enough to change the sensor inactive again while rising.
Z-level, on which the axis was set before the measurement and after the measurement
is finished. Usually – “0”.
Macro should be saved in „File
Save” menu, close the window. After the operation you should also
close and restart Mach3 program to make sure that the settings were saved.
That is all. Just click the „Auto Tool Zero” button, and the tool will be automatically measured. Why
the table level was checked? It is because adding data the way we showed above – after correct
measurement - zero of Z-axis is set on the worktable level. Now if we want to define the zero point of
the work piece, and its thickness is e.g. 10.150mm we can enter this value directly into the „Offsets”.
In short, the treatment offset in Z-axis is counted from worktable level. Moreover, if we switch „Auto
Z Inh” and „Z Inhibit” functions in plugin’s configuration then on Mach3 screen – the controller will
activate protection so the tool will not go below working table area. For both JOG movements and g-
code making. This way we protect ourselves against worktable damage.
Automatic tool change macro
On our website
you can find sample macro that supports automatic tool
change (m6Start.m1s). Unfortunately, because of the fact it is more complicated and that very often
spindles from different manufacturers have different information signals logistic – it is often required
to adjust such a macro strictly to a concrete machine tool.
CS-Lab S.C. Company provides also services for launching, configuration and adaptation of control
system to specific requirements.
We also offer complete solutions - the entire control box, launching, configuration and preparation
of the macro for specialized tasks, etc.
If you are interested in our offer - please contact with our office:
, +48 52 374 74 34.
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